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People Counting Technology

Purple Flower

Rethinking People Flow

The Xovis sensors excel at accurately counting people and measuring their flow, even in challenging environments. With this technology, you can track people's movements in real-time with confidence.

Xovis sensors feature a sleek design, advanced functionality, and built-in processing power. Thanks to cutting-edge AI algorithms, they deliver unparalleled precision and flexibility for people counting and flow management.

Precise people counting and flow measurement are a breeze with Xovis sensors. Featuring a streamlined design, state-of-the-art features, and embedded processing, these sensors harness the power of AI to deliver even greater accuracy and versatility.


With the PC2SE sensor, you can take advantage of AI-powered extensions and enjoy the flexibility of adjustable mounting heights. Built on edge computing technology, this sensor processes data directly, enabling a range of features from face mask detection to gender statistics.

Applications Include:

  • Airports
  • Retail Stores
  • Transportation
  • Occupancy


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